Friday, May 3, 2024


The IT world is big. A vast number of companies are developing in this industry. Although there is a great deal of competition, it’s not difficult to find a position. IT encompasses a range of branches, including development, design, startups, digital innovation and much more.

Every borough in New York can be thought of as a city within a city. Brooklyn is a progressive borough that is continually evolving and attempting to change its past. Thus, attracting modern business companies is an excellent spot to start. Continue reading at brooklyn-future.

Unusual name

IT company Five Jars was founded in 2017 in Brooklyn. The founders of the company are Alex Schedrov and Dmitry Drozdik. One of the offices is located at 68 Jay Street in Brooklyn. Its name is strange, and in some ways unusual for the IT sector. The creators explain the unusual name by stating that it is based on the company’s five core principles of work: transparency, quality, creativity, respect and innovation. Each finished product of the digital agency is created in accordance with these criteria.

Each project is worked on by a separate team. This comprises all the specialists who need to adhere to the established standards. The finished product’s quality determines the company’s reputation.

Five Jars digital agency is characterized by an innovative approach. Through their activities, they aim to promote digital innovation. There is still plenty to learn about the world of digital and computer technology. Despite its popularity, the field of innovation and IT requires further stimulation.

The team behind the operations

Although Five Jars is a fast-growing corporation, there is not much known about its history. There isn’t much information regarding the history of its establishment. It was founded by professionals who wanted to become independent. The primary purpose of establishing the company was to transform the world of digital agencies. They aimed to create new trends in their field. The founders of Five Jars were dissatisfied with the basics of the IT sector. This motivated them to establish the company.

Originally conceived as a small innovative company with a novel approach to work, the firm has grown to include offices in Brooklyn, Kyiv and Washington.

Five Jars has several offices in different cities. In this way, they provide clients with the option to meet with the team in person. However, they are always ready and open to cooperate in a way that is convenient for the client. This includes online sessions with no physical meetings. They even welcome remote employment. Due to the fact that some of their team members live in different countries. There is no limit to talent.

Business in Brooklyn

Brooklyn, despite being regarded as a promising borough that has been able to overcome its criminal past, remains a financially underperforming area. Real estate in this borough is less expensive than in other boroughs. There are numerous choices for renting out former warehouses or factory premises. However, this has no effect on Brooklyn’s technical features. It has the same quality of mobile communication and internet as the other cities. This, too, is among the most crucial elements required for the operation of an IT company.

Large corporations, on the other hand, prefer to connect directly to satellites to ensure smooth operation.

It is beneficial for Brooklyn to draw in such businesses. This raises its rating in comparison to other areas of New York. It also contributes to the city budget by attracting additional taxes.

Creating a welcoming environment for IT companies could transform entire towns. Furthermore, Brooklyn is a favorable environment for startups. The concepts are directly under your feet. There are always issues facing society. In certain cases, a mobile app is all that is required to fix or simplify the problem. A New York-based IT firm, for example, has created an app for finding caretakers. This is a fascinating and practical proposal for Brooklyn residents.

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